M5006《白羅的初期探案》Poirot’s Early Cases
凱旋舞會 The Affair of the Victory Ball
克拉漢廚師奇遇記 The Adventure of the Clapham Cook
康沃爾郡謎案 The Cornish Mystery
小強尼歷險記 The Adventure of Johnnie Waverly
雙重線索 The Double Clue
梅花K奇遇 The King of Clubs
繼承詛咒 The Lemesurier Inheritance
消失的礦井 The Lost Mine
樸利茅斯快車命案 The Plymouth Express
巧克力盒謎案 The Chocolate Box
潛水艇設計圖 The Submarine Plans
三樓奇案 The Third-Floor Flat
古董失竊案 Double Sin
貝辛市場奇案 The Market Basing Mystery
蜂窩謎案 Wasps’ Nest
蒙面女人 The Veiled Lady
海上謎案 Problem at Sea
花園疑案 How Does Your Garden Grow?M5015《白羅出擊》Poirot Investigates
「西方之星」歷險記 The Adventure of ‘The Western Star’
馬斯頓莊園的悲劇 The tragedy at Marsdon Manor
租屋奇遇記 The Adventure of the Cheap Flat
獵人小屋的秘密 The Mystery of Hunter’s Lodge
公債失竊案 The Million Dollar Bond Robbery
埃及古墓的詛咒 The Adventure of the Egyptian Tomb
飯店珠寶謎案 The Jewel Robbery at the Grand Metropolitan
首相綁架案 The Kidnapped Prime Minister
富商失蹤記 The Disappearance of Mr. Davenheim
電話求救疑案 The Adventure of the Italian Nobleman
神祕的遺囑 The Case of the Missing WillM5021《赫丘勒的十二道任務》The Labours of Hercules
涅墨亞獅子 The Nemean Lion
勒爾那九頭蛇 The Lernean Hydra
阿卡狄亞吃牝鹿 The Arcadian Deer
厄律曼托斯野豬 The Erymanthian Boar
奧吉厄斯牛圈 The Augean Stables
斯廷法羅湖怪鳥 The Stymphalean Birds
克里特島神牛 The Cretan Bull
狄奧墨德斯野馬 The Horses of Diomedes
希波呂特的腰帶 The Girdle of Hyppolita
革律翁的牛群 The Flock of Geryon
赫思珀里斯的金蘋果 The Apples of theHesperides
惡犬克爾柏洛斯 The Capture of CerberusM5026《巴石立花園街謀殺案》 Murder in the Mews
巴石立花園街謀殺案 Murder in the Mews
意外的竊賊 The Incredible Theft
死人的鏡子 Dead Man’s Mirror
羅德斯三角Triangle at RhodesM5033《哪個聖誕布丁?》The Adventure of the Christmas Pudding
哪個聖誕布丁? The Adventure of the Christmas Pudding
西班牙箱子之謎 The Mystery of the Spanish Chest
弱者 The Under Dog
二十四隻黑畫眉 Four-and-Twenty Blackbirds
夢境 The Dream
葛林蕭的笑話 Greenshaw’s FollyM5043《13個難題》
週二夜間俱樂部 The Tuesday Night Club
艾絲塔特的聖壇 The Idol House of Astarte
金塊 Ingots of Gold
血染人行道 The Bloodstained Pavement
機會與動機 Motive v Opportunity
聖彼得的拇指印 The Thumb Mark of St Peter
藍色的天竺葵 The Blue Geranium
伴護 The Companion
四個嫌疑犯 The Four Suspects
聖誕節慘案 A Christmas Tragedy
死亡草 The Herb of Death
班格樓事件 The Affair at the Bungalow
溺死 Death by DrowningM5052《瑪波小姐的完結篇》 Miss Marple’s Final Cases
聖堂 Sanctuary
馬修叔公的玩笑 Strange Jest
愛妻 Tape-Measure Murder
守門婦之謎 The Case of the Caretaker
模範女佣 The Case of the Perfect Maid
瑪波小姐講故事 Miss Marple Tells a Story
裁縫的洋娃娃 The Dressmaker’s Doll
神秘的鏡子A Glass DarklyM5055《謎樣的鬼艷先生》The Mysterious Mr Quin
鬼艷先生翩臨The Coming of Mr Quin
玻璃上的人影The Shadow on the Glass
旅館夜談At the ‘Bells and Motley’
空中的徵兆The Sign in the Sky
莊家的心聲The Soul of the Croupier
海上來的男人The Man from the Sea
月夜吟喃The Voice in the Dark
海倫的臉龐The Face of Helen
幽靈小丑The Dead Harlequin
折翼之鳥The Bird with the Broken Wing
世界的盡頭The World’s End
小丑巷Harlequin’s LaneM5057《鴛鴦神探》Partners in Crime
國際偵探社A Fairy in the Flat & A Pot of Tea
粉紅色珍珠The Affair of the Pink Pearl
邪惡的陌生人The Adventure of the Sinister Stranger
小牌巧勝老K Finessing the King & The Gentleman Dressed in Newspaper
女士失蹤了The Case of the Missing Lady
盲人捉迷藏Blindman’s Buff
霧中人The Man in the Mist
假鈔The Crackler
陽光山谷之謎The Sunningdale Mystery
暗藏殺機之屋The House of Lurking Death
完美的不在場證明The Unbreakable Alibi
牧師的女兒The Clergyman’s Daughter & The Red House
大使的長統靴The Ambassador’s Boots
代號十六的人The Man Who Was No.16M5067《帕克潘調查簿》Parker Pyne Investigates
中年太太的個案The Case of the Middle-Aged Wife
憂鬱軍人的個案The Case of the Discontented Soldier
痛苦女士的個案The Case of the Distressed Lady
煩心丈夫的個案The Case of the Discontented Husband
小公務員的個案The Case of the City Clerk
有錢女子的個案The Case of the Rich Woman
你是否已如願以償?Have You Got Everything You Want?
巴格達之門The Gate of Baghdad
設拉子之屋The House at Shiraz
珠寶的價值The Pearl of Price
尼羅河兇案Death on the Nile
特耳非的神諭The Oracle at DelphiM5069《死亡之犬》The Hound of Death
死亡之犬The Hound of Death
紅色信號The Red Signal
第四個男人The Fourth Man
吉普賽人The Gypsy
燈The Lamp
原告的證人The Witness for the Prosecution
藍色瓷罐的秘密The Mystery of the Blue Jar
亞瑟.卡麥可爵士奇案The Strange Case of Sir Arthur Carmichael
翅膀的呼喚The Call of Wings
最後的降靈會The Last Seance
SOS SOSM5072《李斯特岱奇案》The Listerdale Mystery
勳爵失蹤之謎The Listerdale Mystery
菲洛梅別墅Philomel Cottage
火車上的女孩The Girl in the Train
唱首六便士之歌Sing a Song of Sixpence
愛德華.魯賓遜的男子氣概The Manhood of Edward Robinson
珍妮找工作Jane in Search of a Job
豐收的星期天A Fruitful Sunday
伊斯威特先生奇遇記Mr Eastwood’s Adventure
金色的機遇The Golden Ball
王公的綠寶石The Rajah’s Emerald
天鵝輓歌Swan SongM5075《情牽波倫沙》Problem at Pollensa Bay
情牽波倫沙Problem at Pollensa Bay
鑼聲再起The Second Gong
黃色鳶尾花Yellow Iris
丑彩茶具The Harlequin Tea Set
鑽石之謎The Regatta Mystery
愛情偵探The Love Detectives
與犬為伴Next to a Dog
木蘭花Magnolia BlossomM5080《殘光夜影》While the Light Lasts
白屋驚夢The House of Dreams
女伶The Actress
危崖The Edge
耶誕歷險記Christmas Adventure
寂寞之神The Lonely God
曼島的黃金Manx Gold
牆內Within a Wall
巴格達櫃子的秘密The Mystery of the Baghdad Chest
殘光夜影While the Light Lasts
2008年1月8日 星期二
張貼留言 (Atom)
<p>嗎呀…阿3 這類的書 看的 真多捏…<img src="http://l.yimg.com/f/i/tw/blog/smiley/4.gif"/></p>
回覆刪除<p>只看這類的書籍。思想 會不會 歪一邊牙…<img src="http://l.yimg.com/f/i/tw/blog/smiley/9.gif"/></p>
<p> </p>
[版主回覆05/26/2009 17:43:13]<p>絕對不會。</p>
<p> </p>
<p>看推理小說會變得很龜毛...<img src="http://l.yimg.com/f/i/tw/blog/smiley/4.gif"/></p>
<p> </p>
<p> </p>
<p><font color="#007f40">少了米涅 渥特絲的 暗室 回聲 冰屋</font></p>
回覆刪除<p><font color="#007f40">暗潮 女雕刻 毒舌鉤</font></p>
[版主回覆11/03/2009 21:41:29]<p>這裡只有收集克莉絲蒂的~</p>
<p> </p>